I Want To

Wells Gray Country Seniors Society

Mission and Vision of Wells Gray Country Seniors Society (WGCSSS)

  1. Provide a medium for all senior citizens to be active and productive and to encourage and foster involvement in activities for the betterment of themselves and their community,
  2. Encourage other groups with similar objectives to affiliate with the Society; and to establish community links with other groups and organizations having similar interests and concerns.
WGCSS Executive
President Laura Pickering
Vice President Marj Sunderman
Secretary Candy Morin
Treasurer Evelyn Warner
WGCSS Directors
2022-2024 Heather Bedard Phill Hadford Ray Harms
2023-2025 Murray Doull Jack Perry Eileen Sedgwick

Dutch Lake Community Centre (DLCC) Seniors Room
Located at Dutch Lake Community Centre (DLCC) at 209 Dutch Lake Road, Room 150
Open Monday – Friday from 8:30am-4:30pm
Everyone welcome!
Please help yourself to coffee and tea, landline phone available, access to internet.
Puzzles, games, books and magazines all available for you to enjoy.

The Seniors Room is available for meetings, contact the Seniors Coordinator to book. A small charge may apply.

Seniors Coordinator

Lynne Frizzle
P: 250-674-8185
E: seniorsnetworkcoordinator@gmail.com
Contact for any questions or concerns related to seniors

Would you benefit from a phone call from another senior just “checking in” or would you be interested in being the caller that does the checking in? Contact the Senior Coordinator to get linked to the Phone Tree.